Heat Protector
Sectioning Clips
Wide Tooth Comb
Large Roller Brush
Tail Comb
Shine Spray
1. Thoroughly wash the models hair.
2. Comb the hair through from root to tip with a wide tooth comb, this method minimises damage to the hair.
3. Spritz the hair with a heat protector.
4. Work mousse through the hair, focusing on the roots and ends.
5. Apply a shine serum to the hair focusing on the ends.
6. Section the hair along the models parting.
7. Part the hair into two front sections, two mid placed sections and one large triangular section at the back of the head and secure into place.
8. Beginning at the back of the head section the hair to the very bottom of the neck.
9. Ensure your section is not too thick as it needs to be no wider than the roller brush.
10. Place the roller brush at the root of the hair and pull slightly upwards
11. Direct the heat at the root of the hair ensuring that it remains lifted, applying the heat to both the top and bottom of the section.
12. Start working down the hair from the root using the roller brush. Do this in a continuous motion all the way down the hair.
13. Repeat all the way down the section until dry, make sure you direct the head down the hair to smooth the cuticle of the hair and achieve a smooth finish.
14. Taking the end of the section roll the hair back up the brush.
15. Apply heat the hair for a few seconds and then allow to cool on the brush so the hair sets in place.
16. Unwind the brush and pin the hair in place as it cools.
17. Repeat this step for in sections across the whole head.
18. Finish with shine spray and/or hairspray.